Hybrid cloud computing benefits can ease data transition fears
While cloud computing is gaining traction as a viable option for data companies and agencies, there is still a hesitancy to use offsite data servers. Government Computer News reported that by 2017 the federal government will have spent $9 billion on funding cloud technology; but as of last year, the vast majority of virtual government data, about 94 percent, was still being stored on-premise. Public and private sector organizations still have many concerns about offsite hosting and hybrid cloud technology could be the tool that can calm their fears.
Hesitancy to change
Most organizations are hesitant to trust cloud technology because they have security concerns and a general resistance to change. Companies are not anxious to throw out technology infrastructures they have spent years developing. Despite the backup security and convenience that cloud storage can offer, organizations do not want to give up a system they are familiar with in exchange for a new system that may offer less hands on management and control.
According to a 2014 survey of over 740 IT professionals conducted by Research in Action, 73 percent of those surveyed do not believe cloud providers are being completely honest about their product’s limitations, according to Computer World Magazine. Computer World stated IT executives are particularly worried about hidden service difficulties and security problems.
Hybrid cloud doesn’t drastically change current infrastructure
Offsite data storage allows for network optimization, automated self-service and capacity expansion. While it is prudent for a company to be careful, the advantages of cloud computing are too great to be ignored. GCN suggested government agencies should not view the move to cloud storage as an overhauling of their current infrastructures but rather an expansion of their current system. The hybrid approach means the user does not have to adopt new processes or convert data. Hybrid cloud options allows users the chance to store select data offsite that will still work in conjunction with onsite material.
Network World described hybrid cloud computing as the future of offsite data storage adaption. The Network World article indicated the hesitancy felt toward cloud adoption is similar to that felt towards any new technology. Hybrid software combines private and public cloud computing options and gives users a feel for the advantages and disadvantages of both. It is a tool designed to give organizations optimum control when moving their data systems offsite. Any distrust an organization might feel for cloud programmers can be tested before completely converting to offsite storage.
Keep sensitive data in-house
Government agencies are especially concerned when it comes to information privacy. While security features of cloud computing continue to improve, there is still a public opinion that offsite data storage is not as secure as keeping valuable information in-house. Hybrid cloud empowers an agency to hold on to its sensitive material and move general data processes and day-to-day maintenance to the cloud. This gives the organization a chance to sample the system’s security. Hybrid cloud strives to provide an organization tools that will make data storage more efficient and convenient but still provide users with the hands on control they fear from losing to offsite options.